The price of the iPhone 6s 16 GB model, which was introduced at Rs 62,000 on October 16, has fallen by 11-16% and now ranges between Rs 52,000 and Rs 55,000, according to four large retailers who spoke to ET on condition of anonymity. The price cuts are across all variants - 16 GB, 64 GB and 128 GB — of both models. The average difference in prices of all iPhone 6s and 6s Plus devices between launch time and now is about 15 per cent, a top executive at a national retailer said.
The reduction also narrows the gap with prices of iPhone 6 devices launched in 2014, making an upgrade more attractive for customers. "The price difference between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s was a lot, so many customers are not willing to upgrade to the new model," said a senior executive of another national retailer.
This is the first time that the price of an Apple flagship has been brought down within two months of launch, underlining concerns around the initial pricing, said Tarun Pathak, senior analyst at Counterpoint Technology Market Research. Apple declined to comment on the matter.
Industry insiders said Apple's distributors are selling the iPhone models at marked-down prices, allowing retailers to offer all models at discounted rates.
Below is the approximate prices of iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus on one of the country's biggest e-commerce website:
* iPhone 6S (16GB): Rs 48,499
* iPhone 6S (64GB): Rs 62,849
* iPhone 6S (128GB): Rs 74,940
* iPhone 6S Plus (16GB): Rs 61,999
* iPhone 6S Plus (64GB): Rs 75,499
* iPhone 6S Plus (128GB): Rs 85,999
The reduction also narrows the gap with prices of iPhone 6 devices launched in 2014, making an upgrade more attractive for customers. "The price difference between the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s was a lot, so many customers are not willing to upgrade to the new model," said a senior executive of another national retailer.
This is the first time that the price of an Apple flagship has been brought down within two months of launch, underlining concerns around the initial pricing, said Tarun Pathak, senior analyst at Counterpoint Technology Market Research. Apple declined to comment on the matter.
Industry insiders said Apple's distributors are selling the iPhone models at marked-down prices, allowing retailers to offer all models at discounted rates.
* iPhone 6S (16GB): Rs 48,499
* iPhone 6S (64GB): Rs 62,849
* iPhone 6S (128GB): Rs 74,940
* iPhone 6S Plus (16GB): Rs 61,999
* iPhone 6S Plus (128GB): Rs 85,999
via: TOI
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